Creative activities on offer throughout the day
Being able to develop physically in our Garden space
Support in physical development
Birthday platters, for celebrating birthdays!
A wide range of books to explore
Emotion Coaching to help children self regulate
A huge focus on literacy from 2 years plus
Staff share their favourite books to read with the children
Sensory story sessions with Brooke
Embracing our children's heritages
Celebrating birthdays with a fruit platter!
Sociable meal times
Bloomsbury Bears weekly football sessions
Outdoor physical challenge
Outdoor physical challenge!
Being able to develop physically in our Garden space
Displaying our art work in our private garden
Promoting outdoor reading
Imaginative role play!
Tranquil private garden space - with an attached cabin space
Small world play
Trips to local parks
A home from home environment
Trips and outings to local parks
Creative activities on offer throughout the day
Supporting fine motor skills
Creative play - sparking imagination
Creating secure heart warming relationships
Trips to local parks!
Weekly cooking sessions!